And, oh lucky me, the theme was lurves Christmas!!
Anyhow, the reason behind me joining in is that we have something very exciting going on over at the Bubbly Funk forum.
We're not only going to have a fabulous 2 day Cybercrop on the 20th and 21st September but we will be making cards and gifts to sell in an amazing sale to be held near me on October 18th. All proceeds of the sale are going to go to a fantastic charity, Breast Cancer Care.
We're having weekly challenges on the forum right up until the cybercrop and so will hopefully be making lots of stuff for the sale. We'll need to as well because we are going to be getting between 80 and 100 people turning up for the sale......OMG!!
So as I had a basic design for my simple Christmas card I thought I may as well 6 and make a little box to pop them all in. Here they are:

I've just realised how different some of them look from each other but I guess that's just the beauty of hand made cards....all of them unique...LOL!