Gosh, it's Wednesday...........the week is just going so fast I can't keep up.
Work hasn't been too bad but I have been so engrossed in crafty stuff this week, the worse thing about it though is that I can't show you what I've been working on solidly for the last 5 days.....eeek!!
Scrapstars are having a Cyber Crop soon and I was asked to do a class. I've never done anything like that before (never thought in a million years that I was any good at anything to be honest) but anyway, I've made a mini book, taken lots of photos and written up instructions and it has takes AGES!!!!!!
I've just emailed it to Emms and hopefully I'll get her approval back a bit later on......GULP! Anyway, once it's been used for the class I'll be able to pop a trillion pics of it on here LOL!
I have got a couple of pics to show you today though. A friend of mine keeps horses and her pregnant mare gave birth 2 days ago. When I popped over there today I managed to get some pics of the new arrival.

Isn't she just adorable. I took quite a lot of pictures but I'm having a bit of an issue with White Eye. As she is so young her sight isn't quite there yet so the camera makes her eyes look white rather than red and of course the red eye adjustment on my photo editing software won't change white eye.
Any tips are gratefully received.
My crafting To Do list is huge at the moment and I just don't seem to be getting through it. I think I need to go and relax in the bath for a bit and give my brain a rest LOL!
Take care peeps.